Kuboraum unveils installation-window – Miart 2024

Kuboraum has unveiled an installation-window at their Milan Flagship Store in collaboration with friend and artist Vinicius Jayme Vallorani on the occasion of Miart 2024

The installation-window has been taken over by Vinicius Jayme Vallorani, an artist based in Milan whose practice creates performative vacuums transforming the interrelation between components of metaphoric and solid matter into aesthetic events.
His work is described as lying in the interval between an open planimetry, a cinematic shoot, and a steamy encounter in which one is seduced by a rip or a river. Whether it’s a canvas or a sculpture, the spatial dimension of his pieces exudes an echoing presence. The viewer is invited to participate in a reversal of perspective from content to context and vice versa. Above: the new window-installation by Vinicius Jayme Vallorani

Window detail – photography by @piercarloquecchia @dsl__studio

The artist is the co-founder of Studio SBT, a shared artistic space in Milan home of SPECCHIOOIHꓛꓛƎꓒS project; Adriatica Contemporanea, a no-profit association with the aim of cultural promotion; and Grup. Grit., a format of encounters for art professionals.

About Kuboraum: Since its inception, Kuboraum has been shaping a vibrant community of people through events, collaborations, shared experiences, and art residencies. The collection of eyewear has been designed in Berlin and made in Italy since 2011 by co-founders Livio Graziottin and Sergio Eusebi, who created their first collection “in opposition to the dominant aesthetics in the world of eyewear”.

Kuboraum Innerraum Milan Gallery, Via Bigli 24, 20121 Milan, Italy