
Top 10 Elements for a Successful Website Homepage in 2019

What are the Elements in Your Successful Website Homepage

Improving your current website or planning a website redesign. This article is based on the structural elements of a successful website’s homepage. A well-crafted website homepage is a great way to generate more leads for your business.

Your website homepage is your Virtual Front Door for your business. This page is generally your first impression for potential new clients. Your homepage is a landing page responsible for drawing website traffic.

So to improve your website, we suggest some critical elements that you should include on every website’s homepage.

  • Headline
  • Sub-Headline
  • Call To Action
  • Include high-quality content
  • Relevant Images
  • Social Media
  • Testimonials
  • Easy Navigation
  • Product / Service Features
  • Resources / Blogs
  • Google Maps Location
  • Mobile Friendly

Headline – Your headline needs to tell your audience exactly what your website is all about. Keep it clear and simple to understand. Look at your headline from your audience’s point of view.

Sub-Headline – On your services that you can offer to your clients. If possible add in a pain point the end user could be experiencing.

Include High-Quality Content – Your content should be high quality – but what is high-quality content? It is content that your users want to read and search engines love too. It is content that is original and purposeful and ranks well.

Call To Action

The main goal of your homepage is to get people to explore your website and to contact you. We recommend having at least 2 to 3, call to actions on the homepage. They can be a different call to actions to direct people to different sections of your website. By using multiple calls to actions you are enhancing the user-friendliness of your website.

Relevant Images

Images are important for your website. When deciding on images you need to ensure that the images are relevant to your content. Not only do good images help portray across what it is that you do, but it also helps from an SEO perspective. Google experts all suggest that the more unique and relevant an image is… The better credibility it will give to the true essence of a business website.

Social Media

Social Media integration is so obvious yet so many people forget to include it. A link to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and so on… Show your audience that they can get social with you. Interact with your social audience to draw traffic to your website. This also helps to build your online presences and brand trust.


Business man giving rating and review with happy, neutral or sad face icons. Customer satisfaction and service quality survey. Modern abstract feedback concept.

Use extracts from client’s testimonials if they are too long. You don’t need to include everything from the long testimonial. Most people don’t have the time to read everything, so a short snippet is perfect.

Mobile Friendly Responsive Design – In this day and age your website will be viewed on multiple devices with multiple screen sizes, so it needs to mobile friendly. Best Responsive Website Development Company in Bangalore. The best way to do this is with responsive design. Having a website with a responsive design means your website automatically adjusts its content to suit different screen widths for the best viewer experience.

Easy Navigation

IMPORTANT!! IMPORTANT!! We also highly recommend, ensuring that your menu is always visible at the top of the web page. Even when scrolling down the website page. Organize your website information in a simple and structured way. Always ensure that you have a sticky menu on your website. The easier it is to navigate around your website. The more likely your audience will visit more pages on your website.

Product / Service Features

Not only do you give your audience your benefits, but you need to include Features. This will give people more of an understanding of what’s provided with your products and services. Ensure that this is simple to understand.


Office desk with notebook computer and wording Blog.Top View table from above with copy space

Most visitors are not ready to buy when they visit your website. So by ensuring you have a resource area or blog section on your website. This also helps to builds your credibility.

Use your other social media channels to promote your blogs – pushing more traffic to your site.

Google Maps Location

Google reviews and map location are essential for your business and from an SEO perspective. If you haven’t already set up your business so that you can get reviews, then we suggest as priority one, to set up your business on “Google My Business” is easily find your all details for your Contact information and status, services.

It is important to explain the benefits to your business or service. Prospects want to know why they should be using you. What benefit they will be receiving from you to make their lives easier.

When adjusting your website’s homepage and adding on these additional elements. You need to review what they will look like on Mobile devices. Mobile websites make for a great SEO and Digital Marketing Company in Bangalore campaign and improved user experience.

Your business needs a website, you know that but what makes a great website or more to the point, a successful website?

Please click here to contact us. We will review your website and come back to you to let you know.

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